As the human species evolved, some humans outshined their peers, mainly because of their flashy clothing and sparkling overconfidence. Accidentally, the one thing common between all of them was Delhi.
Since they wooed all women as a full time job, philosophers referred to them as TDCs : Typical Delhi Casanovas; but realists called them Typical Delhi Ch****s: but that was because it was their wife they were having an affair with. 200 years later, as
Delhi expanded to NCR and these guys expanded their douchebaggery.
Three TDCs who have been doing comedy for a while have put together a show. They wanted to call it 3 Musketeers, not just because they had guns. However, Jaipur Literary Festival decided to stage a candle light march against this and wage a Facebook war.
They decided to put their unofficial surname as the title of the show. TDCs : Typical Delhi
Comics. So join them on this ride of laughter, where the twists and turns will remind you of your journey on NH8. In that Scorpio. When you were being abducted.