Set in the 1990s, Marvel Studios` "Captain Marvel" is an all-new adventure from a previously unseen period in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that follows the journey of Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe`s most powerful heroes. While a galactic war between two alien races reaches Earth, Danvers finds herself and a small cadre of allies at the center of the maelstrom.
although she is having more super powers, it is emotion that connects to super heros . superb visual effects, lengthy , little up and downs . but dont ...more
Its definitely a long way for Carol Danvers to prove herself as the strongest superhero, but she has begun her journey on the right note. ...more
Hindustan Times
Captain Marvel
The MCUs Avengers Endgame lead-up is a better Nick Fury origin story than a Captain Marvel origin story, despite Brie Larsons excellent performance. ...more
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel is a superhero movie and nothing is impossible here. Apart from the slew of de rigueur action sequences, the film`s sense of `humanity` ...more
The Times of India
Captain Marvel
`Captain Marvel` encounters some speed bumps, courtesy of the usual superhero origin issues that have troubled the genre, but it succeeds in establish ...more
India Today
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel is largely enjoyable and definitely worth a watch. Apart from some rather relentless action sequences, the film`s humour and empowering ...more