Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the seventh instalment in the glorious Star Wars saga. Lucasfilm and visionary director J.J. Abrams join forces to take you back again to a galaxy far, far away as Star Wars returns to the big screen with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Years after the events of Episode VI, the learner is set to become the master, teaching others the ways of the force. But something dark lurks in the near future. Is this the return of the dark side?
An excellent comeback with exciting story lineup for upcoming movies...Inox theatre made the movie more lovable... It's a good treat for SW lovers and ...more
8 Years ago
Booked on
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (3D) (U)
Very good movie ,although can be scary for little children.It was OK in the starting but the violence was too much in the end.I am
waiting for the ne ...more
8 Years ago
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (3D Hindi)
Well, Star Wars The Force Awakens was an out of this world experience. Watching Star Wars on the larger screen was definitely excellent. The new chara ...more
Now, as Episode VII rolls around, ushering in a new generation of sequels, I find myself at an age so out of whack with the films target demographic t ...more
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
That Star Wars is a force to be reckoned with, is a given. It is a cinematic entity - a space opera - of such proportion that it has no parallel or co ...more
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
There are moments of drama and excitement here that are pure late-Seventies vintage, although The Force Awakens new leads a young woman and a young b ...more
BMS Reviewer
Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Film Review – Feel the Awakening
Verdict: The Force is strong with this one. ``Chewie, we`re home.`` This simple dialogue by Han Solo perfectly describes the feeling of watching Star ...more