Neetika Tripathi has started her journey with the ETV channel as a child actor for the kids reality show Teri Meri Yaari and Akad Bakad Bambey Boo. She has been associated with the theatre for the last 7 years, initially starting with Asmita Theatre. Under the guidance of Arvind Gaur, she has performed in many street plays and stage plays including Ramkali, Ek Mamoli Aadmi, Paapi Paet and Dhuvidha. For last 5 years she is carving herself under the guidance of Mohit Tripathi at Renaisstance Theatre Society where she has performed in multiple plays such as Romie Julie, K inspired from The Trial, Macchali Jal Ki Rani, Pregnant Father, Madh Island and Main Bhi Bachchan.
She has also worked in few TV commercials and web series as Made In Heaven and Feels like Home. She has also been a part of multiple short films for various different platforms.