Waris Ahmed Zaidi is an actor based in Bombay. He completed Post Graduate Diploma In Acting from AJK MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi while simultaneously performing in a variety of theatre productions such as Mahabhoj, Par Hume Khelna hai, Aadhi raat ke baad. He also worked with IPTA Delhi state for an year, and performed many awareness street plays and shows. He also performed Manto's Tetwal ka Kutta for All India radio. After moving to Bombay in Aug 2014, Waris has performed in various plays, including Shaadi Khaana Aabaadi, Kavitao ka Rangmanch, Naagar ki nagariya Lucknow ki Chadariya to name a few. He also directed a few short films. Currently he has a Theatre group in Mumbai called Comos theatre and is working under the direction of Mr. Rajat Kapoor as an actor in his Clown representation of Macbeth named What's Done Is Done.