The plot revolves around a filmmaker, who, desperate to delay the release of his rival’s film, alleges that it features lyrics, originally penned by Ghalib, that are offensive. So, Mirza Ghalib is called in court.
But how can Ghalib come to the court? The hilarious situations happen when Ghalib actually arrives in court to defend himself. Ghalib even finds that he has to defend himself against accusations that were hurled at him in the past of being a drunkard and having an extra-marital affair. Having a debt of ₹12,000, he promises to repay the money to his creditors, once popular artistes such as Begum Akhtar and Jagjit Singh, who often sang his songs, pay him royalty.
To strengthen the prosecution’s case, Ghalib’s 150 year old rival poet, Muhammad Ibrahim Zauq, is presented in court as a witness. But Zauq actually turns out to be a fan of the original poet, Zauk who was being told to act as Zauq by the filmmakers.
The play portrays the witty side of Ghalib which doesn`t fail to charm even the opponent advocates and the judge.
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