Mujhe Amrita Chahiye centers around Vijaya, a sensitive and timid girl shackled by her domestic concerns, experiences emancipation through theatre as she breaks free of her introvert character and transforms into what she was truly meant to be. She frees herself from the senseless barriers of the society and also provokes one to mull over these senseless societal bounds.Vijaya's father, a broad minded man of strong religious fervour faces the dilemma of raising an unemployed son and an ageing daughter who is still unmarried. Interestingly, this play is of a different genre where a play is staged in a play. It features the thought process and lifestyle of theatre artists and displays the highs and lows of putting together a play. Implicitly, hope is an integral part of the play as all the characters are seen chasing something or the other including director Arvind who till the end keeps looking for Amrita (lead of the play) hoping that he would be able to spot the perfect actor who suits the role.