The Foolish Lion and the Clever Rabbit is a timeless folktale from the Panchatantra, brought to life by the seasoned puppeteers of the beloved TV series Galli Galli Sim Sim, as seen on Pogo, Cartoon Network, and Doordarshan.
In a dense forest, the animals live in constant fear of their king, a fierce lion who attacks any animal that crosses his path. Desperate for peace, the animals hold a meeting where a clever little rabbit named Chatur Khargosh volunteers to confront the lion. With wit and bravery, Chatur Khargosh devises a cunning plan to save the forest. He leads the lion to a deep well, where the lion is fooled by his own reflection into believing there is another lion in the water. The lion leaps into the well, and as he struggles, Chatur Khargosh promises to help him only if he agrees to live in harmony with the other animals and cease his violent ways.
This engaging story, where clever thinking wins over strength, is told through puppetry and still entertains and inspires people of all ages.
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