Aparajito presents the Epic Drama in the history of Bengali Theatre, Madhabi by Nandikar. This story is from Mahabharata Yayati’s daughter Mahdabi and her beloved Galab, a disciple of Rishi Vishwamitra. Rudraprasad Sengupta as Yayati, her daughter Sohini Sengupta as Madhabi & Debshankar Haldar as Galab, will bring the story from Mahabharata live on stage before Durga Puja.
The Storyteller in Madhavi recounts an ancient tale from the Mahabharata.
After Internship Galab insists on offering Guru Dakshina to Vishwamitra who demands eight hundred Ashwamedha Horses. Galab is dumb-struck, he contemplates suicide, but divine intervention leads him to Yayati’s hermitage. Yayati having abdicated his throne, now lives a humble life of an ascetic. As Galab arrives for help, Yayati has nothing to offer to him except his daughter Madhabi, endowed with boons of eternal virginity and the gift of begetting sons destined to be king of kings.
Hence follows a great drama of Madhabi in quest of eight hundred Ashwamedha Horses. Galab is duty-bound to Guru Vishwamitra. Yayati is duty-bound to his Dharma of Charity. Kings are keen to use Madhabi as the surrogate mother of the king of kings. And Madhabi…? Madhabi is duty-bound to her father, her lover, but where has her love gone? What is her identity?
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