The Monkey and the Crocodile is a beloved tale from the Panchatantra that teaches the value of wit and presence of mind, brought to life by the seasoned puppeteers of the beloved TV series Galli Galli Sim Sim, as seen on Pogo, Cartoon Network, and Doordarshan.
In a dense forest, a clever monkey lived on a tall tree near a river. One day, a crocodile swam up to the tree, and the monkey, feeling generous, offered the crocodile some juicy fruits. The crocodile enjoyed the fruits so much that he started visiting the monkey regularly, and soon, they became friends.
One day, the crocodile told his wife about the delicious fruits. Greedy and cunning, the crocodile’s wife came up with a plan. She convinced her husband to invite the monkey to their home, with the hidden intention of eating the monkey's heart, believing it would be as sweet as the fruits he ate.
The unsuspecting monkey accepted the crocodile's invitation and climbed onto his back to cross the river. But midway, the crocodile revealed his wife's plan. The monkey, quick-witted and calm, pretended to be surprised and told the crocodile that he had left his heart back on the tree. The foolish crocodile, eager to please his wife, turned back to the tree, giving the monkey a chance to leap to safety.
The monkey then scolded the crocodile for his betrayal, and the crocodile, ashamed, swam away, realizing he had lost a good friend because of greed.
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