Watch the Marathi Superstar, Bharat Jadhav in his successful play which has been entertaining the Marathi audience for 15 years. Story of Mr. Madan Sukhatme, a successful businessman who suddenly vanishes. Assuming him dead his lawyer comes up with three different wills and four different beneficiaries according to it. On his second wife Meera, one his long lost Uncle Anna, and according to the last will his first wife and their daughter. Three of the parties want the entire property all by themselves but the only problem is that there`s no signature of Madan on any of the wills. There are only two ways to come out of this, one, to distribute the property equally, and second, if Madan Sukhatme comes and tells which is the final will. And then the game begins.
Three parties find their own Madan Sukhatme, a look-alike, Ranga - a truck driver, Hari - a mentally challenged guy, and Galgale - over talkative LIC agent. They all train the look-alikes they have found as Madan Sukhatme and on the final day original Madan Sukhatme also arrives. All of them under one roof create a total mess and a situation that will make you laugh like crazy.
Sahi re Sahi is surely a must-watch laughing ride which will also mesmerize you with a magical experience.
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