Remember Me is a romantic drama between a rebellious young man, Tyler (Robert Pattinson) and Ally (Emilie de Ravin), the girl who brings new meaning to his life. Tyler has a turbulent relationship with his father as a result of a family tragedy. He feels misunderstood till the day he meets Ally, who nurtures and inspires him. He falls in love with her despite himself but their relationship is threatened as hidden secrets are revealed and circumstances turn against them. Set in the summer of 2001 Remember Me reminds us of the power of love, the importance of family and to live passionately and live life to the fullest.
Pattinson isn`t playing anything close to a vampire, and yet manages to drain the energy out of you with his brooding, affected performance as Tyler, ...more
Nikhat Kazmi (TOI)
Remember Me
Robert Pattinson is a rebellious NYU student who`s walked out on his rich daddy (Pierce Brosnan) after a family tragedy. He is able to connect only wi ...more
Tushar Joshi (MID DAY)
Remember Me
There`s no doubt most of you (fairer sex) will watch it for Pattinson. Fortunately the good news is that the actor who plays the blood-sucking vampire ...more