Bhupinder Singh is among India`s most-loved voices in films and also in the Ghazal world. He was welcomed with open arms by all the composing legends including Naushad, Salil Chowdhary, Jaidev, Khayyam, Sapan Jagmohan, Ram Laxman, R.D. Burman, Ravindra Jain, Rajesh Roshan, Vanraj Bhatia, Bappi Lahiri and so on. He has sung some unforgettable songs for each of these composers. Who can forget Dil Dhoondta Hai, Rut Jaawan Jawaan, Naam Gum Jayega, Beeti Na Beetai Raina, Ek Akela is Shaher Mein, Kisi Nazar Ko Tera Intezaar, Huzoor Is Qadar and various other memorable songs.