Mukta Barve is an Indian television, theatre and film actress, who was born in Pune. She joined the Dramatics program at Lalit Kala Kendra and started her career with the stage drama Ghar Tighancha Hava. Mukta made her feature film debut with Chakwa (2004), and later appeared in films such as Blind Game (2006) and Saas Bahu Aur Sensex (2008). She then starred in Jogwa (2009), which earned her the State Government of Maharashtra award for Best Actress. She has also appeared in several television series including Aabhalmaya, Shriyut Gangadhar Tipre and Bandhan. Some of her recent appearances include the blockbuster Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai (2010) and the television series Eka Lagnachi Dusri Goshta. Besides films and television, she has some notable theatrical works to her name such as Chappa Kata (2013) and Rang Nava (2014). She was last seen in, Highway (2015) ,Double Seat (2015) and YZ (2016). Her recent releases include Hrudayantar (2017), Aamhi Doghi (2018),
Aata Bass (2018), Mumbai Pune Mumbai 3 (2018). Her other releases include
Wedding Cha Shinema,
Bandishala Smile Please and Aata Bass.