An Indian TV and film actress, Veena Nair primarily works in Malayalam cinema and TV industry. Having started her acting career with the TV serials, Ente Makal, which was aired on Asianet, she subsequently starred in many serials including Jagrata, Thatteem Mutteem, and Aardram. A trained dancer in Indian classical dance forms including Bharat Natyam and Kerala Nadanam, the multitalented actress won the district-level Kalathilakam in 2006. After a successful start to her career on the small screen, Veena forayed in the film industry and made her debut on the silver screen with Vellimoonga (2014). Over the years, has worked with several acclaimed directors; some of her notable film credits include Mariyam Mukku (2015), Aadupuliyattam (2016), Welcome to Central Jail (2016) and Ribbon (2017), which marks her debut in Bollywood cinema. Her 2018 release includes Njan Prakashan.