Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi is a fun and quirky slice-of-life comedy, set in Delhi. The film is about a no-holds barred friendship that turns crazy when competition seeps in.
Bakwas Movie..Better to leave and Enjoy ur weekend at home or with friends..
10 Years ago
Chirag Aggarwal
My review for Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi U
Bakwas Movie..Better to leave and Enjoy ur weekend at home or with friends
10 Years ago
Saar Gupta
My review for Kuku Mathur Ki Jhand Ho Gayi U
well the star cast is fresh. kuku - Gupta was brilliant in his character, while other character like of ronnie and mama ji supported him well. music w ...more
Kuku Mathur and Ronnie Gulati are best buddies. In posh South Delhi, they would call each other bro. In the Delhi these two inhabit, of small clonies, ...more