Movie based on current political situation, Beautifully explored dirty politics.
Madam CM.. Us A Hit and a Miss.. Can't Call It a Good Movie Or Bad.. Story Was Good But the Direction Has Made It Bad.. I Would Give It 6/10.. One Tim ...more
Very nice
Richa Chaddha & Manav Kaul brilliant act. Richa as always dominated the show completely by her gorgeous act, powerful persona & Strong Woman character ...more
Richa Chadha Is The Only Reason You Should Watch ‘Madam Chief Minister’ ...more
`प्रेमात आणि युद्धात सारं काही माफ असतं` हे वाक्य आपल्याकडे सर्वांचं परिचित आहे. याच वाक्याचा दृष्टांत आपल्याला या सिनेमात दिसतो. इकडे `प्रेम` ही आहे ...more
Worth Your ‘Vote’ ...more
On the whole, MADAM CHIEF MINISTER boasts of an interesting idea and fine performances by Richa Chadha and Saurabh Shukla. ...more
पॉलिटिकल ड्रामा के शौकीन और कलाकारों के दमदार परफॉर्मेंस के लिए फिल्म देखी जा सकती है। ...more