Set in the small town of Barielly, this romantic comedy explores the nuances of simple lives people live there. It`s a story of Bitti Mishra, a free-spirited girl, who is tired of the societal pressures and finds solace in a book titled "Barielly Ki Barfi".
BKB is a hooray moment for Hindi cinema. This romcom set in the North Indian town of Bareilly, breaks the shackles of Bollywood`s continued dependence ...more
Bareilly Ki Barfi
Director Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari wowed us with the powerful film with a bang on message about education for girls Nil Battey Sannata - and she`s whipped ...more
Mumbai Mirror
Bareilly Ki Barfi
That love triangles don`t culminate in a happily-ever-after for everyone involved (unless a threesome is considered) makes them rather predictable. Ex ...more
The Indian Express
Bareilly Ki Barfi
This Small-Town Rom Com ticks all the boxes going in: perky girl armed with requisite quirky parents, a couple of suitable boys, and great one liners. ...more
Deccan Chronicle
Bareilly Ki Barfi
One film old female director Ashwini Iyer Tiwari became an overnight popular storyteller with Nil Battey Sannata, that dealt with the education system ...more