Based on the novel written by Stephenie Meyer who has created incredible characters, the movie `The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn`, (Part 1) follows the events of the previous movie where Bella and Edward Cullen get married, leaving behind a heartbroken Jacob. When Bella faces an unexpected situation, she does what it takes to undergo the ultimate transformation and fight the final battle to save her love. This part of the movie shows the completion of Bella and Edward`s incomplete relationship, with their incredible love followed by their wedding. It has also captured some spectacular moments shared by a couple where Bella gives birth to their baby.
It`s the aura and the sanctity of the storybook wedding between the pallid and princely vampire, Edward and the equally pallid, yet loyal Bella that s ...more
Suprateek Chatterjee (Mid Day)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1: Breaking Bed
After the Harry Potter series earlier this year, it`s the much-loved Twilight series` turn to get a two part finale. The phenomenally popular books wr ...more
Sukanya Verma (Rediff)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn disappoints
The beauty of a fantasy is how disconnected it is from reality. And at some point, everyone gets on this incredible flight of imagination to embrace t ...more
Rajeev Masand (Ibnlive)
`The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1` is clunky
In `The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1`, fourth installment of the ridiculously successful `Twilight` franchise, Kristen Stewart`s mopey-eyed Bel ...more